8:00 am Registration & Coffee

8:45 am Program Director’s Opening Remarks

8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Embedding ESG Practices for Sustainable Value Creation

9:00 am Presentation: Sustainable Horizons: Refining Business Strategy Across Life Sciences Organisations

  • Veronique Toully Senior Vice President & Global Head of Sustainability, Corporate Affairs & Risks, UCB S.A.

9:30 am Panel Discussion: The ‘Why’ & ‘How’ of Data: Discovering Incentives for Biopharmaceuticals to Promote Sustainable Practices

  • Christoffer Falkman Director - Environmental Social Governance, Bavarian Nordic
  • Anne Frost ESG and Reporting Director, Kyowa Kirin Pharma
  • Gareth Collins Vice President EHS & Environmental Sustainability, Ipsen Pharma

10:15 am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking

Tackling the Evolving Regulatory Landscape for Compliance

11:00 am Presentation: Navigating the Sustainability Regulatory Landscape in Pharma & Life Sciences: State of Play & Lessons Learnt

11:15 am Presentation: Journey to CSRD Compliance: Regulatory Updates, Challenges & Practical Solutions in Europe

  • Gareth Collins Vice President EHS & Environmental Sustainability, Ipsen Pharma

11:45 am Presentation: Translating Our Narrative From Strategy to Compliance in the European Regulatory Landscape

12:15 pm Q&A Session with PwC, Ipsen & Bavarian Nordic

12:30 pm Lunch & Networking

Innovating Social Initiatives for Community-Wide Change

1:30 pm Panel Discussion: Joining the Dots: Engaging with Stakeholders to Create Sustainable Changes for Collective Impact

2:15 pm Presentation: Social Responsibility in the Life Sciences: The Pillars of Health Equity & Patient Access

2:25 pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

3:00 pm Presentation: Social Responsibility in the Life Sciences: The Pillars of Health Equity & Patient Access

ESG Roundtable Discussions

3:30 pm In this interactive session, pick a roundtable to deep dive into discussion moderated by an expert in the E, S, or G space.

  • Byron Austin Executive Director & Global Head Of Environmental, Social, Governance, Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, Organon Pharmaceuticals
  • Arun Skaria Senior Director, Corporate Responsibility and ESG, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals

Roundtable 1: ‘E’ Breaking the Plastic Habit to Advance Towards Zero Single-Use Plastics

Roundtable 2: ‘S’ Evaluating Strategy & Metrics to Ensure Effective Social Impact Measurement

  • Arun Skaria Senior Director, Corporate Responsibility and ESG, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals

Roundtable 3: ‘G’ Engaging with the Board to Ensure Governance of Environmental & Social Pillars

4:15 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

4:30 pm End of Day One